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High Holidays at SPS 5781

This is the form for SPS members. Non-member high holiday access is here

Register here for your access code to the Virtual High Holiday Sanctuary Service with Rabbi Ain and Cantor Kanfer. 

Service Schedule: 
September 18th Erev Rosh Hashanah services, 6:15 PM 
September 19th Day 1 Rosh Hashanah, 9:30 AM 
September 20th Day 2 Rosh Hashanah, 9:30 AM 
September 27th Kol Nidre Evening services, 6:15 PM 
September 28th Yom Kippur morning services, 9:30 AM 
September 28th Yom Kippur Mincha and Neilah Services, 5:30 PM (shofar will be blown at 7:23 PM) 

Register here for the Young Professional service. Registration for the Tot and Family Service is below. Please note that if you register for the Sanctuary Service at $360, you will also gain access to the Young Professionals and Tot and Family Services. 

Children and Teens will be able to access these programs if an adult in their home has purchased the High Holiday Access ticket. 

Please note that the JRS or teen programming will be available via your same access code if you've indicated your children will be attending or potentially attending the JRS and/or teen programming but if you'd like to stream the main service and JRS or teen programming at the same time, you will need multiple devices. 

Below please make your contribution to the High Holiday Virtual Seat Fund. A minimum contribution of $360 gives you a virtual access code. We hope you will consider donating at the amount you gave last year for the High Holiday seats to the Virtual Seat Fund. 
If you would like an access code to the virtual high holidays, the minimum donation is $360. 

Virtual Tot and Family Service Signup 

Tot and Family Services Schedule (Times to Come) 
September 19th Day 1 Rosh Hashanah morning services
September 20th Day 2 Rosh Hashanah morning services
September 28th Yom Kippur morning services

Virtual Tot and Family Services are $72 for the full schedule. 

(Only check here if you only want access to the virtual tot and family service; if you sign up for the Main Sanctuary Service for a minimum contribution of $360, your virtual tot and family service access is included). 

Tot Services: Families of children ages birth to 4. 

Join us for a unique song-filled experience designed for families with children ages birth-4. These lively Zoom services will include short prayers, movement, Hebrew learning, and tot-centered music as we celebrate the holidays together.

Family Services: Families of children in PreK-2nd grade
Join us for a family-oriented prayer experience for families with children in PreK-2nd grades. We will connect to our holiest days of the year through song, prayer, discussion and story as we explore the transformation of a new year.

You can also choose to make your Yom Kippur Appeal Pledge now and/or sign up for the Book of Remembrance. Both pledges will help sustain and strengthen our congregation. 

Yom Kippur Appeal Sponsorship Levels 

Pillars ($25,000 & over)

Founders ($18,000 & over)

Leaders ($10,000 &over)

Benefactors ($5000 & over)

Chai Guardians ($3600 & over)

Guardians ($2500 & over)

Patrons($1800 & over)

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785