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SPFC Afterschool
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Mondays - Greatest Hits
For 3s and Pre-K
Mondays 2:30- 3:15 PM
Children in Pre-K will be served a snack 2:15-2:30 PM.
October 24th- December 12th (8 weeks)
Member Price: $320
Non-Member Price: $360
Greatest Hits
children will get to participate in 2 weeks of each of KNS's greatest hits afterschool classes. Children will enjoy 2 weeks of SPFC Science with Cassie, 2 weeks of Cheflings (cooking class) with Sydnie, 2 weeks of Tennis with Super Stars Tennis, and 2 weeks of Messy Art with Erika. Each week will be new and exciting!
Tuesdays - Crafting Kids
For 3s and Pre-K:
Tuesday 2:30- 3:15 PM.
Children in Pre-K will be served a snack 2:15-2:30 PM. Children registering for Gan Katan with Jackson Religious School will be transitioned to the program from Crafting. For more information on Gan Katan which is offered at 3:30 on Tuesdays reach out to Hannah Levin
October 25th -December 13th (8 weeks)
Member Price: $320
Non-Member Price: $360
Crafting Kids,
with beloved KNS Teacher
offers children a hands-on, engaging, social experience while crafting with each other! Children will engage in a new craft project each week that channels their creativity while also working on their fine motor skills. Some examples include: dream catchers, ceramics, and beading.
Thursdays - Zing!
For 3s and Pre-K
Mondays 2:30- 3:15 PM
Children in Pre-K will be served a snack 2:15-2:30 PM.
October 20th- December 15th (8 weeks)
Member Price: $320
Non-Member Price: $360
is a fun-powered experience to help kids feel amaZING through movement, mindset, and play. By creating programs that energize, motivate, empower, and inspire, Zing! aims to help kids become the strong, healthy, proud, and brave leaders of tomorrow.
TRY Zing! for $20 on September 22nd 2:30-3:15 PM!
Child Information
Child's name:
Date of birth:
Parent Information
Cell Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Photo and Video Release
I hereby give my permission to Sutton Place Family Center or its partner organizations to use images and/or videos of my child taken during activities in any Sutton Place Family Center, partner organization, or Sutton Place Synagogue publication and promotional materials. These may include print materials, the SPS website and social media. Children will not be identified by name.
General Waiver
I understand that this program will only be offered if the minimum number of participants is reached. There are no refunds for any reason.
I understand that if my child is unvaccinated they will be required to quarantine if they are exposed to COVID in afterschool or anywhere else.
By acknowledging and signing below, I am delivering an electronic signature that will have the same effect as an original manual paper signature in reference to the Photo/Video release, zoom recording permission, and general waiver. The electronic signature will be equally as binding as the original manual paper signature.
Electronic Signature:
Today's Date:
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785