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In Person Sanctuary Service - High Holidays at SPS 5783/2022

Register here for your in person tickets to High Holiday Sanctuary Service with Rabbi Ain and Cantor Kanfer. To pay via ACH/echeck and not credit card, please log in to your account now before you start filling out the form. If you need login info, email 

Service Schedule: 
September 25th - Erev Rosh Hashanah services, 6:15 PM 
September 26th -  Day 1 Rosh Hashanah, 9:00 AM 
September 27th -  Day 2 Rosh Hashanah, 9:00 AM 
October 4th -  Kol Nidre Evening services, 6:15 PM 
October 5th - Yom Kippur morning services, 9:30 AM 
October 5th - Yom Kippur Mincha and Neilah Services, 4:45 PM (shofar will be blown at 7:12 PM) 

In person sanctuary services are currently only open for members to purchase tickets. If you'd like to become a member at SPS, please reach out to Abby at

Please note in person tickets also come with virtual access
Additionally, please note that if you have children k-12th grade, we will have high holiday programming for them as well - please RSVP for that below. 

The priority deadline to register for in person services is Friday, September 9th. If you would like to attend but are experiencing financial hardship, please reach out to the SPS office for a confidential conversation. 

Our Covid-19 protocols for the High Holidays 

1) Vaccination plus one booster remain required for adults to attend in person. 

2) Vaccinations remain required for all children 5+ to attend in person. 

3) Masks are optional. 

4) We encourage you to do a home rapid test in advance of coming to an event where food is being served or an event in which a large gathering is expected. If you need a rapid test, we can provide one for you. 

5) If you are feeling sick in any way we ask that you do not come to the building. We are relaxing restrictions but we know this will work best if we join together as a community that cares for one another. If you feel sick, you risk getting others ill. Please do not come to the high holidays if you are feeling sick - you can join us virtually. 

The Healthy Opening Committee loosened our restrictions because we believe that, although COVID 19 is easily transmissible, it is no longer the deadly disease it once was. We now have good treatments for those who become ill and vaccinations to prevent severe illness. If you are concerned, we encourage you to wear a mask to protect yourselves. The masks are no longer required but they are always welcome.

Click here to register for Virtual Access only to our sanctuary services.
Click here to register for Young Professional in person services. 
Click here to register for Tot/Family in person services. 


All other Covid-19 protocols will be determined closer to the start of the holidays. 
Upon purchasing tickets, please email proof of vaccination to if you have not already sent them your vaccination card. If you have any trouble emailing your vaccine card or excelsior pass, please call 212-593-3300 for assistance.

Sanctuary Seating Options- 

Sanctuary Lower Level: 
Rows AA-EE, A-D: $600 per seat 
Rows E-I: $550 per seat
SOLD OUT Rows J-O: $475 per seat

Sanctuary Mezzanine: 
Row MA: $575 per seat
Rows MB-ME: $450 per seat
Rows MF-MH: $375 per seat 

We will make every effort to seat you in your selected section; if for some reason we cannot accomodate your request, we will be in touch.
   Rows AA-EE, A-D (Sanctuary Lower Level) - $600
   Rows E-I (Sanctuary Lower Level) - $550
   SOLD OUT: Rows J-O (Sanctuary Lower Level) -please call the office at 212-593-3300 if you typically sit in this area
   Row MA (Sanctuary Mezzanine) - $575
   Rows MB - ME (Sanctuary Mezzanine) - $450
   Rows MF-MH (Sanctuary Mezzanine) - $375

Children and Teen Programming
for those whose parents are in the main sanctuary service

K-7th grade: led by Mindy Blonder and JRS teachers, starts at 10:30 AM 
8th-12th grade: led by Rozsa Gomory, starts at 10:30 AM 
You can also choose to make your Yom Kippur Appeal Pledge now and/or sign up to make a listing in the Book of Remembrance. Both pledges will help sustain and strengthen our congregation. 

Yom Kippur Appeal Sponsorship Levels 

Pillars ($25,000 & over)

Founders ($18,000 & over)

Leaders ($10,000 &over)

Benefactors ($5000 & over)

Chai Guardians ($3600 & over)

Guardians ($2500 & over)

Patrons($1800 & over)

Thank you for your contribution. 

Book of Remembrance Options: 

Full Page ($720)   
Half Page ($500)   
Quarter Page ($360)    
Individual Listing ($36 per name)
Please note that a full page, half page, and quarter page include a tribute message. 
Please note that a quarter page, half page, or full page includes a tribute message which you can write here. If you want to confirm what names you listed last year, please email Rozsa at
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785