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Virtual Access - High Holidays at SPS 5784/2023

Register here for your virtual access code to High Holiday Sanctuary Service with Rabbi Ain and Cantor Cattan.To pay via ACH/echeck and not credit card, please log in to your account now before you start filling out the form. If you need login info, email 

Service Schedule: 
September 15th - Erev Rosh Hashanah services, 6:15 PM 
September 16th -  Day 1 Rosh Hashanah, 9:00 AM 
September 17th -  Day 2 Rosh Hashanah, 9:00 AM 
September 24th -  Kol Nidre Evening services, 6:15 PM 
September 25th - Yom Kippur morning services, 9:30 AM 
September 25th - Yom Kippur Mincha and Neilah Services, 5 PM (shofar will be blown at 7:29 PM) 

If you'd like to register to attend in person Sanctuary Services (which includes virtual access as well), click here. 
If you'd like to register for our in person Young Professional Services, click here. 
If you'd like to register for our in person Tot and Family Services, click here. 

Below please make your contribution to the High Holiday Virtual Seat Fund. A minimum contribution of $360 for members and $400 for non members gives you a virtual access code. We hope you will consider donating at the amount you've given when attending in person for the High Holiday seats to the Virtual Seat Fund. 

You can also choose to make your Yom Kippur Appeal Pledge now and/or sign up to make a listing in the Book of Remembrance. Both pledges will help sustain and strengthen our congregation. 

Yom Kippur Appeal Sponsorship Levels 

Pillars ($25,000 & over)

Founders ($18,000 & over)

Leaders ($10,000 &over)

Benefactors ($5000 & over)

Chai Guardians ($3600 & over)

Guardians ($2500 & over)

Patrons($1800 & over)

Thank you for your contribution. 

Book of Remembrance Options: 

Full Page ($720)   
Half Page ($500)   
Quarter Page ($360)    
Individual Listing ($36 per name)
Please note that a full page, half page, and quarter page include a tribute message. 
Please note that a quarter page, half page, or full page includes a tribute message which you can write here. If you want to confirm what names you listed last year, please email Rozsa at
Thu, January 2 2025 2 Tevet 5785