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Purim Carnival 2022: Volunteers
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Purim Carnival 2022
Sunday, March 13 @ Sutton Place Synagogue
Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Purim Carnival! We love having our 5th-12th graders give back to our community this way, and everyone has a lot of fun!
The activities that our volunteers will be helping with are:
running carnival games (bean bag toss, etc.)
supervising/running the basketball game & the claw game
managing the prize table
arts & crafts activities: showing the kids what to do; helping set up/clean up in between groups
helping people transition between rooms & activities
handing out "to go" bags
greeting everyone and welcoming them to our SPS Purim Carnival
Each group of kids/families will have 50 minutes to enjoy our carnival. There will be two pods/groups at a time. The carnival will in two main areas within the synagogue. Each pod/group will have around 20 minutes at each of our two activity areas, with a 5 minute transition in between.
We need volunteers for all of our carnival shifts, plus arriving a few minutes before your shift for a short orientation. You can volunteer for one or multiple shifts!
Please arrive promptly for your shift!
9:15-10:30 am (families arrive at 9:30 and finish at 10:20).
10:15-11:30 am (families arrive at 10:25 and finish at 11:15)
11:15 am-12:30 pm (families arrive at 11:20 and finish at 12:10)
12-1:15 pm (families arrive at 12:15 and finish at 1:05)
COVID-19 Vaccinations: Everyone eligible (ages 5+) must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and adults over age 18 must also have a COVID booster.
Masks: Everyone over age 2 will be wearing a mask. Please wear a KN-95 (or equivalent) mask or a surgical mask.
If you have any questions, please email Alyssa at
Volunteer's Name:
Volunteer's Grade:
Volunteer's Cell Phone #:
Volunteer's Email:
Does Sutton Place Synagogue have permission to use pictures and/or video of your child on our website/social media or in official digital or printed publications as long as your child is not identified by name?
Please Select One
Who will pick your child up from the Purim Carnival?
Emergency Contact (name, phone # & relationship):
Does the Volunteer have any allergies or take prescription medications? If yes, please explain.
Physician's Name, Phone Number & Address:
If and when the need for medical and/or surgical attention arises during the period of my child's official participation in the Purim Carnival of Sutton Place Synagogue, I hereby grant permission for my child to be transported by private vehicle or ambulance to an appropriate medical facility and to be treated by qualified medical authorities at their discretion and that of the program leaders.
If and when the need for medical and/or surgical attention arises during the period of my child's official participation in the Purim Carnival of Sutton Place Synagogue, I hereby grant permission for my child to be transported by private vehicle or ambulance to an appropriate medical facility and to be treated by qualified medical authorities at their discretion and that of the program leaders.
Which timeslot(s) would you like to volunteer for?
9:15-10:30 am
10:15-11:30 am
11:15 am-12:30 pm
12:00-1:15 pm
I understand that if anyone is feeling unwell or needs to quarantine for COVID for any reason, they will not attend the Purim Carnival.
I understand that if anyone is feeling unwell or needs to quarantine for COVID for any reason, they will not attend the Purim Carnival.
I understand that everyone who is age 2 and older must wear a face mask during the Purim Carnival. KN-95 or surgical face masks are recommended.
I understand that everyone who is age 2 and older must wear a face mask during the Purim Carnival. KN-95 or surgical face masks are recommended.
I understand that everyone who is eligible (ages 5 and older) must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend the Purim Carnival. For adults who are 18+, this includes having their COVID booster.
I understand that everyone who is eligible (ages 5 and older) must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend the Purim Carnival. For adults who are 18+, this includes having their COVID booster.
Adult's Name:
Adult's Phone #:
Adult's Email:
Mon, March 31 2025
2 Nisan 5785
Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785