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Purim Carnival 2022: SPS

Purim Carnival 2022
Sunday, March 13 @ Sutton Place Synagogue

NOTE: This registration form is only for KNS, JRS & SPS families. There is a separate registration form here that is open to the public. 

Each group will have 50 minutes to enjoy our carnival! We will have two pods/groups at a time. The carnival will in two main areas within the synagogue. Each pod/group will have around 20 minutes at each of our two activity areas, with a 5 minute transition in between. Please come only at the appropriate time for your family! If you have multiple children, they can go together.  

Cost: $25 per family--if your family is coming at two separate times, please let us know at check-in!

  • 9:30-10:20 am: SPFC Toddler class & KNS Group 1
  • 10:25-11:15 am: SPFC Bridge class & KNS Group 3
  • 11:20 am-12:10 pm: KNS Group 2 & KNS PreK
  • 12:15-1:05 pm: JRS & non SPFC/KNS kids
COVID-19 Vaccinations: Everyone eligible (ages 5+) must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and adults over age 18 must also have a COVID booster. If we do not have your card (and your eligible children's cards) on file, you must upload it or present it at the Purim carnival to be allowed in. 

If you have any questions, please email Alyssa at

Please only pick the appropriate time(s) for your family. Siblings can go together.
Sat, September 21 2024 18 Elul 5784